Thursday, August 20, 2015

Webskills Online Course – Week 9

I think we all had and still are having the most challenging week passing by! To write any project or plan like any other document is and has been the challenge for me through all my teaching experience. I must confess, I used to be a very slow student in my university years and the slowness in the young learning years had affected on my teaching career afterwards. Now I know that I have to love writing, it results well in planning, that finishes in project making etc.
I liked the idea of peer-feedbacking, Ali-Sher was my partner and we have exchanged our feedbacks very nicely. He gave me much advice and so, I think I gave him a not-so-bad feedback as well.
I enjoyed the Week 9 Reading a lot! Especially fantastic knowledge I have taken from the articles “Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences” and “Richard M. Felder`s learning styles and strategies”. Things described are real-world and as I assert, every teacher has to know about the multiple intelligences and the strategies how to manage one`s classes and lesson plans. I couldn`t retain and acquire well enough the last, most perhaps important article called “Learning strategies” because it is too academically written for me, I am not the University professor.
Then, we all have been handed the Survey and I have sent it quickly back. It goes without saying, I love this course and there is no reason to make a secret of it. The course is terrific and fantastic!!! That`s all!

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